Michelle, the owner and founder of More Cheese Please NJ, graduated from The Pennsylvania State University in 2020 during the pandemic. She lost her post-grad position due to COVID-19 and was at a loss of what to do next. Come August 2020, she decided to take her Hospitality Management degree the entrepreneurship route! This is when More Cheese Please NJ was created, and it has been her sole focus and passion ever since!

Michelle has a passion and love for the hospitality industry, which reflects through her work. Each order is carefully curated with love and thought. She truly enjoys creating a spread that can elevate any and all gatherings.
"I would have never imagined More Cheese Please taking off this quickly. I am so proud and beyond excited to see where MCP will be in the years to come. The support I have received from everyone is what keeps me going, I love you all! "